Basic Facts About HOA Elections And Voting

Basic Facts About HOA Elections And Voting

Being a part of an HOA is very common nowadays, but do you know that many never get involved? Knowing how you can affect your HOA and help make important decisions that can change the way you live is integral to being a good homeowner. Being a part of an HOA is very...
How To Be Thrifty With Money

How To Be Thrifty With Money

The first step to start saving money is figuring out how much you spend. Keep track of all your expenses—that means every coffee, household item and cash tip as well as regular monthly bills. Record your expenses however is easiest for you—a pencil and paper, a simple...
Create An Inviting Outdoor Space

Create An Inviting Outdoor Space

Hosting guests for a get-together can sometimes be confining indoors in a confined space but some changes to your backyard or porch can create an inviting outdoor environment. There are a couple of simple things you can add to your outdoor space to transform it into...
Luxury Home Decor That Won’t Bust Your Budget

Luxury Home Decor That Won’t Bust Your Budget

Who doesn’t love cozy, chic, and classy interior décor that seems like one of the pictures straight from the magazine? Who says you need money to transform your home’s picturesqueness? All you need is the art of knowing what it takes to enhance the aesthetics of your...
Tips On Living in A Small House to Save Money

Tips On Living in A Small House to Save Money

For ages, we’ve been sold the idea that a stable job and a big house translates as being successful. While today’s generation has been challenging this idea about jobs, we still see people purchasing massive houses to show off their wealth.   Have you...